Up-Hill Habits.


So I had the most beautiful experience this weekend...ya’ll want to hear it? Great, because if you don’t you’re going to read it anyways.

I went to a Young Living conference for my essential oil business In Utah and I got the best nuggets and gems throughout the whole week. I learned a lot, was inspired a lot more, got tons of knowledge on the new products and oils, and great insight on how to build my business and market my brand. Blah, blah, blah, blah…I love learning do not get me wrong, but I wanted to go explore out of the confines of this conference. So I said, “Self....I think we need to be in some nature tomorrow, let’s skip the classes and seminars on Saturday and go hiking in the mountains.” I’ve been craving to hike ever since I moved away from Arizona and back into the city life in Texas. And I ended up actually satisfying my craving. Now some people would be like, “Wait, can you do that?” “Is that allowed?” “Is that breaking rules?” Look I really do not care about rules sometimes. Structure is cool and all, but I can learn way more when I am adventurous than when I am in a chair from 9-4 looking at PowerPoint slides.

Back to the story…

I found this beautiful hiking trail on Google that seemed fairly easy so I saved the name in my notes for Saturday. But something in me was like nope...pick another one. So I went back on Google and found another one that seemed pretty chill and it had a WATERFALL at the end. So duh, I picked that one because I’ve never seen a waterfall up close in person. But um, yea Google lied, it was NOT easy, chill or moderate...at all. That shit was hard work. But it was beyond worth my sore thighs, sore back and stiff neck.


Before I even started the hike I was nervous as hell. I was in a city I have never hiked in before. I was alone. And for the people that have never been; there are very few black people that lived there and I wasn’t trying to die that day. Now during the hike I wanted to give up before I even hit the waterfall. I wanted to turn around many times, many, many times. I was tired. I was hot. I kept slipping and falling. But I was determined to see that bad boy. I even got lost trying to be Dora The Explorer. So I went into this foresty patch because I heard flowing water and totally went off the trail thinking I was getting closer to the waterfall. The shade felt nice so I said hey why not? I had wasted so much time trying to find my way out of these trees but I finally found my way out and started trekking back into the sun and now I was on track. I was about to stop for a break and drink some water but someone behind me stopped me because they saw I had a Young Living backpack on.


She said, “Are you at the conference this year.” I replied, “Yep but I’m taking a break from the classes today to hike.” And she said, “Me too!” And that one conversation sparked a whole nose dive deep, low-key therapy session between me, her and her mom. They had the most genuine, down to earth spirits I’ve met in a really long time. Nobody just meets in the mountains or the woods and just pours their heart out to strangers and connects on a spiritual and emotional level like that. Well we did. The conversations just flowed like we have been best friends for 10 years. We talked about triggers, trauma, our soul’s purpose, our exes, our families, pretty much everything. And it was one of the dopest experiences I’ve had in my young adulthood life. She is 29 like me, a Taurus like me, a poet like me, has such a similar past like me, like what the hell? What are the odds of that???


We all finally got to the waterfall and I pulled out my phone to start taking pictures and it was 11:11. I was hypeeeee! Not only did I come across amazing energy, achieved my dream of seeing a waterfall in person, , hiked up a mountain that I almost passed out on, but it was MY FAVORITE NUMBER/TIME!

For the people that don’t pay attention to repeated numbers or numerology. 11:11 is an angel number:

YES‼👼💚💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸SF🌉🌈🌠🍀😍THANK YOU I AM GRATEFUL‼👼💚.jpg

I am a deep thinker so everything I go through and come across I try to see the life lessons in it.

Here are my takeaways:

  1. Nature is my favorite anti-depressant.

  2. Never be afraid to explore alone. And even if you are afraid, push past the fear, because God will protect you if you TRULY believe it.

  3. Follow your intuition even if you think your first choice is your best choice, your intuition’s choice is ALWAYS your best choice.

  4. Detours are not bad, they might actually get you back into alignment.

  5. I will never achieve what I want to achieve if I turn around and give up when shit gets difficult or too hard.

  6. Your vulnerability and openness will impact someone else’s life more than you know.

  7. Stay true to yourself and try things your SOUL wants to try, even if the crowd does not want to try them with you.

  8. The temporary pain is always worth the eternal reward!

  9. Cherish the small moments. Be still more often. Take pictures of places or things that are meaningful, beautiful and will make you smile on a bad day.

  10. Coincidences do not exist. Stay aware. Stay woke. Stay grateful.

Thank you for tuning in on Story-Time-Tuesday!

See ya next week my gullies and I would love to hear some stories from my readers that have impacted them and changed their life in some way!