World Mental Health Day!

Today let’s celebrate actually taking care of ourselves emotionally and mentally, and not just physically.

Our mind is powerful, but if we do not bring the awareness to it that it needs, it just runs mindlessly and makes our lives a lot more difficult. We cannot choose our mental illness, or trauma, or the unfortunate circumstances that happen to us, but we do have a choice. We can choose to put in the effort to reflect, evolve, and create our own happiness. We can choose our mental health over anything else that no longer benefits our growth and well being.

What does it look like to care for your mental health?

  1. Choose YOU.

    Make the choices that cater to your needs. Not selfishly with no regard of other people, but also not doing everything to please people either. Find the middle ground. A lot of us are physically exhausted because we are mentally exhausted. Just as you take care of a baby with care, or a puppy, or a plant, or anything fragile, care for yourself the same ways. Our minds are powerful and strong but also fragile without the proper care. Set boundaries, say no when needed, and do things that you love regardless of other’s opinions. You matter, and you just have to believe that.

  2. REST.

    Your mind needs to rest as much as your body does. Our world is full of so much information, stress, worry, grief, and sadness, that you need to decompress and take breaks often. Some of us keep pushing and pushing and just try to survive each day because that is all the energy we have. But those days will eventually catch up. We can make so many excuses of why we can’t rest or take a break, but our bodies will force us to if we do not choose it on our own. We can only take so much, so yes take as many mental health days for yourself and actually rest. Don’t feel guilty for it. A rested spirit is the most productive and loving spirit.


    We store our emotions in our body. It is a fact. Google it. The more you think crying is embarrassing, journaling is lame, going to therapy is a waste of time, asking for help is weak, then the more heaviness you are carrying around every day. Why carry that every day when you can just release it. We are programmed to suck everything up and just deal. But we just end up snapping on someone, or harming ourselves thinking we have no way out. You can be strong at the same time as feeling sad, hopeless, or lonely. Emotions don’t make us weak. It takes a strong person to confront their emotions and release them in a healthy way. You can be that strong person.

For the ones that feel like they don’t belong in this world.


Allow your uniqueness and different way of thinking to impact the world you’re in. We have enough people trying to “fit in”. You already fit by just being authentically you.

For the ones that feel like things will never get better and life will always be this sucky.


The way you speak consistently, and the way you think consistently will create your life going forward. So believe things will progress. Believe that through all the dark shit going on in the world, there is still light, love and happiness . Actually repeat this and believe and watch your life change. There is hope for you if you believe there is.

For the ones that believe they don’t matter.


No matter if people make you feel like you don’t, or actually have told you that you don’t matter. Don’t listen to them. Your feelings matter, your story matters, your life matters, your thoughts matter, your dreams matter, your goals matter, your whole being matters!
